Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Every year I make lame resolutions on January 1st and by the end of the first week of January I've pretty much already abandoned them. This year is going to be different because I'm going to make a resolution that won't be hard to keep. I'm going to be happy to be alive!

I'm going to be thankful for every moment and take joy in the simple things. I think this resolution will be easy to keep because it isn't unrealistic. I'm not saying I won't have bad days where I feel sorry for myself or have times when I get mad in traffic or get impatient while waiting in line at the grocery store. What I'm saying is that when those things happen, I'm going to remind myself that I've been fighting cancer for the last eight months and have come out on the other side of chemotherapy treatments. I'm going to remind myself that there are worse things than being stuck in traffic or a long, slow moving line. If I'm feeling sad or tired or defeated at any given moment, I'll remind myself that at least I have the opportunity to feel that way.

Yes, this year I am feeling pretty confident that I'll be successful at keeping my resolution. And I feel like the luckiest girl in the world because I'm able to make that resolution and work on it all year!

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