Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

I feel so blessed, so lucky, so merry!

My doctor said that a lot of people who receive a diagnosis of cancer will look at the holidays and get somewhat maudlin (my word, not hers) about them. She said they start thinking maybe they should do things differently than during past holidays. That they start thinking that maybe this will be their last holiday.

No way I'm going there.

I plan to have a lot more holidays.

Will I do things differently from now on? Yes. Definitely. In fact, I'm thinking that every single day I wake up and my feet hit the floor, that's a day worth celebrating, so that means from now on every day is a holiday as far as I'm concerned.

Not to sound all sappy and maudlin, but cancer does make you take a step back and start looking at your life and what's important and what is not. I think I've said that before. It's worth saying again.

Every day we have breath in our body is a gift.

Merry Christmas everyone! And many many more!

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